ArchiMate is a robust enterprise architecture modeling language designed to support the description, analysis, and visualization of architectures within and across business domains. It is an open and independent standard hosted by The Open Group, fully aligned with the TOGAF® framework. ArchiMate structures enterprise architecture modeling through layering, aspects, andRead More →

Introduction The integration of enterprise architecture frameworks is a key concern for organizations seeking comprehensive and cohesive solutions. Among the widely adopted frameworks, ArchiMate and TOGAF ADM stand out for their ability to provide a holistic view of enterprise architecture. In this article, we will explore the seamless mapping ofRead More →

The Technology Layer has been extended with elements for modeling the physical world; for example, manufacturing, logistics, and other physical environments. The Figure below shows an example of physical elements. Note that: All the elements shown in the example except for Path, are new in the ArchiMate 3.0 Specification, andRead More →

The strategy Layer include elements for capability, resource, and course of action which are added to support modeling strategy, capability-based planning, and related domains. This supports the increased usage of Enterprise Architecture in supporting strategy execution, and is in line with approaches used in related standards, such as the TOGAFRead More →

The TOGAF framework and the ArchiMate model Origin of TOGAF The Open Group Architecture Framework(TOGAF) is aframework for enterprise architecture hat provides an approach for designing, planning, implementing, and governing an enterprise information technology architecture. TOGAF is a high level approach to design. It is typically modeled at four levels:Read More →

In the example model below, you can see the integration from the technology layer, with e.g. the mainframe on which the database runs, via the application layer, with e.g. the policy administration, all the way up to the business layer, with the client who wants to register an insurance claimRead More →

In ArchiMate, you can group a collection of services to form (financial or information) products as illustrated in the example below: In the Figure above, a group of six services together with the insurance policy contract forms a product called Travel Insurance that specifies the characteristics, rights and requirements associatedRead More →

ArchiMate has a layered and service-oriented look on architectural models. The higher layers make use of services that are provided by the lower layers. Although, at an abstract level, the concepts that are used within each layer are similar, we define more concrete concepts that are specific for a certainRead More →

Organisations need to adapt increasingly fast and anticipate changing customer requirements and business goals. This need influences the entire chain of activities of a business, from the organisational structure to the network infrastructure. How can you control the impact of these changes? Enterprise Architecture may be the answer. It isRead More →

The flow relationship represents transfer from one element to another. The example below shows a Claim Assessment function, which forwards decisions about the claims to the Claim Settlement function. In order to determine the order in which the claims should be assessed, Claim Assessment makes use of schedule information receivedRead More →