ArchiMate Business Layer Notations Name Representation Defiintion * Business Actor A business entity that is capable of performing behavior. Business Role The responsibility for performing specific behavior, to which an actor can be assigned, or the part an actorplays in a particular action or event. Business Collaboration An aggregate of two or more businessRead More →

The Implementation and Migration Extension adds concepts to support the implementation and migration of architectures in Phase E (Opportunities and Solutions), Phase F (Migration Planning), and Phase G (Implementation Governance) of the TOGAF ADM. This extension includes concepts for modeling implementation programs and projects to support program, portfolio, and projectRead More →

The Technology Layer describes system software applications and infrastructure. Whenever applicable, the ArchiMate language has drawn analogies with the Business and Application Layers. Technology Layer Example In this example, structural, behavioral, and informational concepts of the Technology Layer are illustrated. The structural technology node “ (1)Mainframe” is shown to containRead More →

ArchiSurance – Application Layer Example In this example below, both structural and behavioral concepts of the Application Layer are illustrated. “(1) Web front end” is the application interface that provides access to the application service called “(2) Policy creation service”. It is a composite part of the Home & Away policyRead More →

Active Structure Concept Notation Application component A modular, deployable, and replaceable part of a software system that encapsulates its behavior and data and exposes these through a set of interfaces.   Application collaboration An aggregate of two or more application components that work together to perform collective behavior.   ApplicationRead More →