Introduction to ArchiMate Viewpoints The viewpoint mechanism in ArchiMate is a structured approach for creating tailored views of the enterprise architecture for different stakeholders and their specific concerns. This mechanism recognizes that presenting the entire architecture description at once is impractical and overwhelming for stakeholders who are only interested inRead More →

ArchiMate presents different viewpoints according to certain criteria. Using the standard viewpoints in ArchiMate 2.0, architects can develop viewpoints based on stakeholders, concerns, purpose, abstraction level, layer, and aspects (i.e., behavior, information, and structure). The architects get feedback from stakeholders and architecture teams to craft a viewpoint relevant to each group.Read More →

Working Page for the Views & Viewpoints Working Group The Open Group have developed the ArchiMate enterprise architecture modelling language to provide a uniform representation for diagrams that describe enterprise architectures, primarily in the domain of information-intensive organizations. It offers an integrated architectural approach that describes and visualizes the different architectureRead More →

Viewpoints is one of the very important concepts in ArchiMate 3. Each viewpoint contains a dedicated set of ArchiMate elements that allows architect designers to model a specific aspect of an enterprise architecture. The official ArchiMate 3 specification provides 23 ArchiMate example viewpoints for architecture designers to follow. In this ArchiMateRead More →

ArchiMate advocates a more flexible approach in which architects and other stakeholders can define their own views on the enterprise architecture. In this approach, views are specified by viewpoints. Viewpoints define abstractions on the set of models representing the enterprise architecture, each aimed at a particular type of stakeholder and addressing aRead More →

ArchiMate advocates a more flexible approach in which architects and other stakeholders can define their own views on the enterprise architecture. In this approach, views are specified by viewpoints. Viewpoints define abstractions on the set of models representing the enterprise architecture, each aimed at a particular type of stakeholder and addressing aRead More →